Callide Coal Power Plant
7:19 PM
Posted by Energetic

Callide Coal Power Plant is located near Biloela, in Central Queensland, Australia. It is coal powered with eight steam turbines with a combined generation capacity of 1,720 MW of electricity.
The coal for Callide comes from the nearby Callide Coalfields and water from the Awoonga dam and Stag Creek Pipeline.
Callide A was commissioned in 1965 and refurbished in 1998. It has four 30 MW steam turbines. Callide A has been in storage since 2001, except for Unit 4 which is being used for the Callide Oxyfuel project. Callide B was commissioned in 1988 with two 350 MW steam turbines.
The Callide Coal Power Plant C was commissioned in 2001 with two 450 MW advanced cycle steam tubines. Callide C uses a more efficient "supercritical" boiler technology to burn coal to generate electricity.
Carbon Monitoring for Action estimates this power station emits 5.73 million tonnes of greenhouse gases each year as a result of burning coal.[5] The Australian Government has announced the introduction of a Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme commencing in 2011 to help combat climate change. It is expected to impact on emissions from power stations. The National Pollutant Inventory provides details of other pollutant emissions, but, as at 23 November 2008, not CO2.